Find Your Bag

If the bag or product you are looking for is not yet listed in SF BRANDNAME's catalog, simply provide the information and description of the item and wait to hear from us.

Why consignment is most popular at SF Brandname?

  1. Fill out your name, phone number or Line ID.
  2. Specify the brand name or name of the bag you want, color, size, as well as uploading a picture of the bag you want us to find (if any).
  3. Select the desired product condition. For example, Fair condition / good condition / very good / excellent / new (price will depend on product’s condition)
  4. Wait for us to contact you back, and you will easily get a bag the way you want.
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Add Advance Options

Why Advance Version?

  • If you choose to fill the information in the advance version, we will be able to find the bag for you faster because we know your needs thoroughly.
  • Our team may call you directly whem we find the product you are looking for.

We will contact you back within 24 hours.

Sell with us

Guarantee fair price estimate, better price than anywhere else.